
1 Oct 2011– 30 Sep 2014

The SCI-BUS project aims to ease the life of e-Scientists by creating a new science gateway customisation methodology based on the generic-purpose gUSE/WS-PGRADE portal family. The customised science gateways will enable scientists to focus on their work and exploit resources of main Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCIs) without the need to deal with the underlying infrastructures' details.

1 Sep 2011– 30 Sep 2013

The aim of the project is to do experiments about an e-science platform which supports the daily activities of researchers and creative workers. The software tools and services used by researchers changes rapidly nowadays mostly because of the fast evolution of ICT, and therefore researchers need to devote much time to learning and practicing the use of these tools in order to enhance their productivity.

1 Sep 2011– 28 Feb 2014

GLOBAL excursion is a new way to science education. In this project we will introduce e-Infrastructures to educators and their pupils between 14-18 years of age (upper stage school). The driving themes currently are Nano- and bio-technologies, as well as volunteer computing and life sciences with an interdisciplinary focus especially including ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA).

1 Aug 2011– 30 Nov 2012

EU FP7 pályázat előkészítése - a projekt a Magyar Kormány támogatásával, a Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség kezelésében, a Kutatási és Technológiai Alap finanszírozásával valósul meg.

Az EU FP7 pályázati kiírásra benyújtott projektjavaslat tartalmi összefoglalója:

1 May 2011– 30 Apr 2014

The core aim of the project „SMART FRAME“ is to sustainably improve the regional innovative framework in CENTRAL EUROPE by elaborating and distributing know-how in the fields of intermediary support, R&D co-operations, settlement and spin-offs. The challenge is bringing together the two worlds of innovation and technology institutes and creates a fruitful environment for entrepreneurship to be monitored by hard output facts.

1 Mar 2011– 28 Feb 2014

The main objective of CAPINFOOD project is to improve the enabling environment for food innovation by capacity building of the supporting institutional framework and by promotion of public awareness on benefits of innovation in the food sector through transnational collaboration.
Specific objectives of the project are:
• to develop national innovation strategies
• to improve coordination mechanism of efforts for enhancing innovation
• to develop skills of SEE institutions in using effective tools
• to promote the use of ICT based tools for fostering innovation

10 Feb 2011– 31 Dec 2014

In the case of flow simulations (CFD) the computational problem can be defined on a 2D or 3D array (NxM, NxMxL) type Virtual Cellular Machine while the operation of each processing element is described as a mathematical expression, acyclic data flow graph or UMF diagram. The problem to be solved is how to map the computational problem on a virtual array to a given physical FPGA where area/processor (logic slices, DSP slices), on-chip memory (BRAM) and off-chip memory bandwidth are limited. To conserve memory bandwidth the arrays are computed serially as a 1D stream of cells.

1 Feb 2011– 31 Jan 2014

Novel, robot-based solutions for polymer and sheet metal forming.

1 Feb 2011– 31 Jan 2015
3 Jan – 31 Jul

MOKKA (Hungarian acronym for Hungarian Common Catalogue) is one of the most ambitious projects of the Hungarian library community. A good thesaurus is an important component of MOKKA to help the users in retrieving the necessary information effectively. In the frame of a one year project sponsored by the EU our development has delivered an effective thesaurus handling module for MOKKA.