Újszerű multimédia kiszolgálási-réteg fejlett optimalizálási technikákkal

Novel multimedia delivery-layer with enhanced optimisation techniques
1 Dec 2011– 30 Nov 2013
External identifier

Due to sharp increase in the number of video recording devices, the digital multimedia can be produced at many sources and can be injected at most different places into a fully distributed and multimodal environment. The large amount of multimedia data is produced and consumed in most different quality, with most different aims and requirements. The aim of the project is apply formal and combinatorial optimisation methods in the development of novel distribution layer for multimedia delivery considering the above video usage pattern. In the distribution network, multimedia elements are analyzed, processed, stored, and prepared for delivery. The distribution layer operates in a self-organizing manner and optimises resource management in terms of storage, processing, adaptation, and delivery. It has practical significance to find distributed methods where the nodes of the distributed system react in considering only their local environment but the overall behaviour of the whole system converges to a global optimum. A scientific prototype system will be developed providing an experimental platform to evaluate the concepts and methods
under real-world conditions.


Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt


+36 1 279 6185
