Scientific News

The paper entitled 'Parameter varying flutter suppression control for the BAH jet transport wing" written by B. Patartics, T. Luspay, T. Péni, B. Takarics , B. Vanek  and T. Kier  was shortlisted for the Best Interactive Paper Prize at the IFAC World Congress in Toulouse  (France).

The presenters in the Interactive Section were encouraged to emphasize their scientific contributions in vivo, i.e., by means of videos, simulations, demonstrations in  addition to usual slide-show. 

A recent article from the Machine Perception Research Laboratory landed on the cover page of the July 2017 issue of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.
Based on its previous Hungarian Patent submission, MTA SZTAKI has submitted an international (PCT) patent for its fluorescent-holographic microscope. The invention combines fluorescent microscopy with digital holographic microscopy technology.

The international scientific organisation: „International Measurement Confederation” (IMEKO) – which was established in Budapest in 1958, having it’s headquarter since than continuously in Hungary – holds the yearly workshop on Technical Diagnostics in Budapest.

Venue: National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Room 451, Kéthly Anna tér 1., Budapest, Hungary. The event will be open to the press and live-streamed on the NRDI Office website.
The COURAGE project had a successful project review on 28 March in Brussels. The project will create a comprehensive online database (digital registry) of existing but scattered collections on the histories and forms of cultural opposition in the former socialist countries and thereby make them more accessible.

In November  2016, as a result of a cooperation between the Computational Optical Sensing and Processing Laboratory and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, a vision based speed measurement sensor chip has been sent to fabrication, as we reported it back then. In early March, Austria MicroSystems sent us the 44 pin sensor chips, which were produced using a 0,35 um CMOS technology. In our laboratory, we designed an FPGA based measurement environment, which performs the control and image capture aspects of the system.

The control of the key elements of transport (e.g., of vehicles and of vehicle platoons) is normally carried out in a hierarchical manner with the various elements of control targeting different layers of the hierarchy.

2016 brought us numerous professional programmes, opportunities for scientific cooperation and industrial innovation. Besides the achievements of traditionally high quality in basic research, the Institute placed great emphasis on the applications in the private sector as well as the services rendered to the communities providing them significant societal benefits.
The official inauguration of László Monostori elected as a member of acatech (Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, National Academy of Science and Engineering) in 2015, took place at this year’s General Assembly of the Academy.
You are reading this article in English, but there are around 7,100 known living languages around the globe, according to Ethnologue. You wouldn’t know it from browsing the World Wide Web, though. We like to think of the web as a diverse place filled with the world’s knowledge, but only a fraction of active languages spoken around the globe are online at present. English and other dominant languages have a stranglehold on the internet, explained linguist and mathematician András Kornai in a recent scientific paper titled “Digital Language Death.” The future for a language that isn’t properly maintained and spoken online may not be rosy.
Prof. László Monostori, Director of MTA SZTAKI, Head of the Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control (EPIC) participated at the international press conference held in Brussels the 23rd November, 2016, where the results of the ”Teaming” research excellence programme which is the most prestigious call of the Horizon 2020 Widening Programme were announced.

As a result of the research in the Computational Optical Sensing and Processing Laboratory in cooperation with the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, a custom image sensor chip have been developed, for vision based vehicle velocity measurement.

This year, the diploma work scholarship proposed by Pro Progressio foundation (at BME, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) was earned by Bence Tipary, employee of Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence with his work, Design, production and calibration of a modular PKM.

The Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence developed a prototype Analytical Module, commissioned by GE Hungary Kft., as part of a smart city project. The project aims at building a wireless sensor network installed on a public lighting system in the XII. District of Budapest, Hungary.

Mechatronics students and employees of Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence Dániel Horváth, Gábor Losonczi and Tamás Magyar won with excellent teamwork the 1st place in the Scientific Students’ Association 2016 (BME, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics section). Their paper, Development and Implementation of Navigation and Control Algorithm for AGV Robots in a Smart Factory also received the appraisal of AUDI Hungary. Their consultants were Dr. Ferenc Gábor Erdős senior research fellow and Richárd Beregi research associate.

Hungary was the most successful country in the ”Teaming” research excellence programme, the most prestigious call of Horizon 2020 Widening programme. The two successful projects coordinated by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office consisting of excellent Hungarian and international partners have been awarded EUR 26 million (around HUF 8 billion).

Our laboratory has a long-term and fruitful partnership with the Aventics (former Bosch Rexroth) company. The factory, located in Eger (Hungary), produces pneumatic components and systems. Within the partnership our laboratory provides support to the introduction and application of advanced decision making tools in the manufacturing and logistics areas of the company.

High-resolution spherical panorama pictures prepared by the eLearning Department of MTA SZTAKI for MIDMAR tourist organisation are available on Google Maps as well from now on.

The pictures has been available so far on Website of MIDMAR, in GUIDE@HAND Miskolc smart phone application and on VR glasses in Miskolc Cafe!