2022-ben is beszámoltak kutatásaikról a SZTAKI PhD-hallgatói

2022. november 11-én a SZTAKI PhD-hallgatói beszámoltak PhD-eredményeikről. A járványügyi helyzetre tekintettel a hallgatóság és a beszámoló hallgatók egy része online kapcsolódott be.

Az egész napos programon összesen tizenkilenc PhD-hallgató tartott előadást. Az előadók és témavezetőik névsorát, valamint a témák és előadások angol nyelvű címeit az alábbi táblázatban tesszük közzé.


Név Témavezető Téma/előadás angol címe
Jánoki Imre Gergely Földesy Péter

Research topic: Computational Optical Sensing and Processing in Light of Human Biology

Title of the presentation: Machine Learning Based Monitoring of Sleep and Tiredness

Cserteg Tamás Kovács András

Research topic: Real-time process planning for sensor-driven robotics

Title of the presentation: Automated blank localization by quadratic optimization for drilling
Dobrovoczki Péter Kis Tamás

Research topic: Problem representations in integer programming

Title of presentation: Network flow representation of disjunctive cuts
Gazdag Sándor Szirányi Tamás,
Majdik András

Research topic: Sensor fusion and evaluation in networked sensor systems (for autonomous driving)

Title of presentation: Simultaneous tracking and rendering to localize camera-equipped MAVs
Golarits Marcell Szirányi Tamás,
Rózsa Zoltán

Research topic: Sensor fusion and evaluation in networked sensor systems (for autonomous driving)

Title of presentation: Environment estimation with mono and stereo cameras for safe navigation

Hoang Anh Tuan (László) Viharos Zsolt János Title of presentation: Neural architecture search and its exploitation
Lelkó Attila Németh Balázs

Research topic: Autonomous vehicle control design methods with
guaranteed performances

Title of presentation: Combination of classical and data based control
methods using supervised control framework

Bergmann Júlia Váncza József

Research topic: Industrial data analytics: defining and refining production system models through machine learning

Title of presentation: Internal logistics in relentless production

Dózsa Tamás Soumelidis Alexandros, Kovács Péter Title of presentation: Adaptive Transformations in Signal Processing
Emődi Márk Lovas Róbert, Kovács József

Title of presentation: Novel Cloud orchestration methods based on machine learning

Rácz Dániel Daróczy Bálint Title of presentation: Gradient structures in ReLU networks
Szentpéteri Szabolcs Csáji Balázs Csanád

Research topic: Iterative algorithms in reinforcement learning

Title of presentation: Sample Complexity of the Sign-Perturbed Sums Identification Method

Tamás Ambrus Csáji Balázs Csanád

Title of presentation: Recursive Estimates for Conditional Kernel Mean Embeddings

Horváth Bálint Csáji Balázs Csanád

Research topic: Statistical Machine Learning

Title of presentation: Distribution-Free Confidence Bands with Kernels

H. Zováthi Örkény Benedek Csaba

Research topic: Mobile 3D Environment Perception with a Geospatial Database Background

Title of presentation: Improving Lidar-based perception using machine learning

Siket Máté Zarándy Ákos, Földesy Péter

Research topic: Model-based investigation of physiological systems and signals

Title of presentation: Latest developments in laser speckle contrast imaging

Szádoczki Zsombor Bozóki Sándor

Research topic: Analytic Hierarchy Process and Incomplete Pairwise Comparison Matrices from a graph theoretic viewpoint

Title of presentation: Optimal sets and sequences of paired comparisons

Hegedűs Tamás Németh Balázss

Research topic: Research of decision-making layers of autonomous vehicle control systems with methods based on control theory and machine learning approaches

Title of presentation: Automated vehicle control with error-based ultra-local model
Chang Liu Szirányi Tamás

Research topic: Interaction and Navigation with On-Board UAV in the Wildnes

Title of presentation: Road Condition Detection and Optimal Route Planning Using On-Board UAV in a desolate countryside