András G. Radványi, Publications & Reports

Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory,
Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences


András G. Radványi   Radványi András publikációs és citációs jegyzéke

Tudományos fokozat megszerzésének éve: 1981 

A Nemzetközi tudományos folyóiratok International Journals

A1.  Z. Fodróczi, A.G. Radványi, „Localization of Directional Sound Sources Supported by a priori Information of the Acoustic Environment, EURASIP J. on Andvances in Signal Processing, Vol.2008 (2008), Article ID 287167, 14 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/28167

A2.  Z. Fodróczi, A.G. Radványi, „Computational auditory scene analysis in cellulary wave computing framework”, Int. J. of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol.34, No.4., pp. 489-515, 2006

A2.-c1. V. Lanza, F. Corinto, M. Gilli, P.P. Civalleri, “Analysis of nonlinear oscillatory network dynamics via time-varying amplitude and phase variables”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 35, pp.623-644, 2007

A3. iA.G. Radványi, “On the rectangular grid representation of general CNN networks”, Int. J. of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol.30, pp. 181-193, 2002  0.971

A3.-c1. Cs. Rekeczky, I. Szatmári, P. Földesy, T. Roska: Analog cellular PDE machines, Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2002. IJCNN '02, pp. 2033-2038, Vol. 3, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

A3.-c2. András Hajdu, “Neighbourhood sequences and character recognition by Walsh transformation”, PhD Thesis, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2003.

A3.-c3. András Hajdu, “Geometry of neighbourhood sequences”, Pattern Recognition Letters. 24/15 (2003), 2597-2606.  0.809

A3.-c4. András Hajdu, Lajos Hajdu, “Velocity and distance of neighbourhood sequences”, Acta Cybernet. 16 (2003), 133-145.

A3.-c5. Turyn L, “Cellular Neural Networks: Asymmetric space-dependent templates, mosaic patterns, and spatial chaos” International Journal of Bifurcation And Chaos 14 (8): 2655-2665 Aug 2004

A3.-c6. Nagy B, “Characterization of digital circles in triangular grid” Pattern Recognition Letters 25 (11): 1231-1242 Aug 2004

A3.-c7. B. Nagy, “Generalised triangular grids in digital geometry”, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyıregyhaziensis, pp. 63-78, Vol 20, 2004

A3.-c8. L. Török, T. Roska: “Stability of multi-layer cellular neural/nonlinear networks”, Int. J. on Bifurcation and Chaos, pp. 3567-3586, Vol. 14, No. 10, 2004

A3.-c9. Chin-Teng Lin, Chao-Hui Huang: Cellular neural networks for hexagonal image processing”, Proc of the 9th International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications, pp. 81-84, May 2005

A3.-c10. A. Zarándy, Cs. Rekeczky: “Bi-i: a standalone ultra high speed cellular vision system”, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, pp. 36-45, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2005

A3.-c11. L. Török, “Some Qualitative Phenomena in Cellular Wave Computing”, PhD Thesis, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, 2005

A4. iA.G. Radványi, “Hypothetical simulation of non-linear systems with memory, using an ideal computer with infinite speed and capacity”, Int. J. of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol.28, No.1, pp. 3-29, 2000  0.971

A5. A.G.Radványi, "The Difference-Stereogram", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 255-275, Kluwer, 1999  0.617

A5.-c1. Rosenfeld A. "Classifying the literature related to computer vision and image analysis ", Computer Vision And Image Understanding, 79: (2) 308-323 Aug 2000  1.894

A5.-c2. Mark S.K.Lau, C.P.Kwong, "Analysis of Echoes in Single-Image Random-Dot-Stereograms", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 69-79, Kluwer, 2002  0.617

A6. A.G.Radványi, "Structural Analysis of  Stereograms for CNN Depth Detection", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and  Systems I: Special Issue on Bio-Inspired Processors and Cellular Neural Networks for Vision, Vol. 46, No.2, pp. 239-252, 1999 1.061i

A6.-c1. Milanova M, Almeida PEM, Okamoto J, Simoes MG. "Applications of Cellular Neural Networks for shape from shading problem " Machine Learning And Data Mining In Pattern Recognition, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1715: 51-63, 1999

A6.-c2. DH Rao, PP Panduranga: “Image Enhancement using Hysteretic Cellular Neural Network”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognition and Recognition, Mandya, Karnataka, India, pp. 382-390, Dec 2005

A7. A.G. Radványi, L. Gáspár, G. Tóth, “CNNUM Stereo Architecture and 3D Template Design Techniques”, Int. J. Circuit Theory and Applications, Special Issue: Theory, Design and Applications of Cellular Neural  Networks: Part II: Design and Applications, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 25-42, 1999  0.971

A7.-c1. Bizzarri F, Storace M, Parodi M, "Cellular non-linear networks for minimization of functionals. Part 2: Examples", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Appl.,Vol.29 (2). pp. 169-184, Mar-Apr 2001  0.971

A8. iA.G. Radványi, “Spatial Depth Extraction Using Random Stereograms in Analogic CNN Framework”, Int. J. of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 69-92, 1996  0.971

A8.-c1. Taraglio S, Zanela A, "A practical use of cellular neural networks: the stereo-vision problem as an optimisation", Machine Vision And Applications, 11: (5) 242-251 Feb 2000  0.708

A8.-c2. Taraglio S, Zanela A, " Improving a real-time neural-based stereo vision system", Real-Time Imaging, 7: (1) 59-76 Feb 2001 0.512

A8.-c3. Zanela and S. Taraglio, “A Cellular Neural Network Based Optical Range Finder”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol.30, pp.271-285, 2002  0.971

A9. iL. Nemes, G. Tóth, T. Roska, and A. Radványi: "Analogic CNN algorithms for 3D interpolation-approximation and object rotation using controlled switched templates", Int. J. of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 409-424, 1996  0.971

A9.-c1. Storace M, Parodi M, Pastorino D, Tripodoro V, "A method for defining analog circuits for the minimization of discrete functionals: An image processing application", Circuits Systems And Signal Processing, 18: (5) 457-477 1999  0.280

A9.-c2. Storace M, Bizzarri F, Parodi M, "Cellular non-linear networks for minimization of functionals. Part 1: Theoretical aspects", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Appl.,Vol.29 (2). pp. 151-167, Mar-Apr 2001  0.971

A9.-c3. Bizzarri F, Storace M, Parodi M, "Cellular non-linear networks for minimization of functionals. Part 2: Examples", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Appl.,Vol.29 (2). pp. 169-184, Mar-Apr 2001 0.971

A9.-c4. A. Gacsádi and P. Szolgay, Interpolation of 2D signals using CNN,  Proceeding of the 15th IEEE European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD’01), Helsinki, Vol. 1. pp. 349-352, 2001

A9.-c5.  C.Botoca: Romanian Bank-Notes Recognition Using Cellular Neural Networks, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara Seria ELECTRONICĂ şi TELECOMUNICAŢII, TRANSACTIONS on ELECTRONICS and COMMUNICATIONS, Tom 46(60), Fascicola 1, 2001

A9.-c6. Q. Gao, P. Messmer and G. S. Moschytz, “Binary Image Rotation Using Cellular Neural Networks”, Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Vol.III, pp.113-116, 2002

A9.-c7. C.Botoca: Some Aspects of Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara Seria ELECTRONICĂ şi TELECOMUNICAŢII, TRANSACTIONS on ELECTRONICS and COMMUNICATIONS, Tom 48(62), Fascicola 1, 2003

A9.-c8. G. Constantini, D. Casali, M. Carota, and R. Perfetti, “Translation and rotation of grey-scale images by means of Analogic Cellular Neural Network”, Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications (CNNA 2004), pp. 405-410, Budapest 2004

A10. iT.Roska, G.Bártfay, P.Szolgay, T.Szirányi, A. Radványi, T.Kozek, Zs.Ugray and Á.Zarándy, "A digital multiprocessor hardware accelerator board for Cellular Neural Networks: CNN-HAC", Int. J. of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 589-600, 1992  0.971

A10.-c1.  L.O. Chua: CNN. II. Applications and VLSI circuit realizations, Circuits and Systems, 1992., Proceedings of the 35th Midwest Symposium, Vol. 1, pp. 146-149, Aug. 1992

A10.-c2. iL.O.Chua, T.Roska, The CNN Paradigm, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.147-156, March, 1993     "... digital hardware accelerator boards [..] can be utilized for exact simulation."  1.061XXX

A10.-c3. iD. Lim, G.S. Moschytz, A Programmable, Modular CNN Cell, Proc. Third IEEE Int Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA-94, pp.79-84, 1994          
" ... to consume less power ... than ... [..]"

A10.-c4. iR.Dominguez-Castro, S. Espejo, A. Rodriguez-Vázquez, I. Garcia-Vargas, J.F. Ramos and R. Carmona, SIRENA: A Simulation Environment for CNNs, Proc. Third IEEE Int Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA-94, pp.417-422, 1994        
" ... many application have been reported [..] "

A10.-c5. iL.O.Chua, M.Hasler, G.S.Moschytz and J.Neirynck, Autonomous Cellular Neural Networks: A Unified Paradigm for Pattern Formation and Active Wave Propagation, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 42, No.10, pp.559-577, 1995    " ... solving problems accurately and rapidly [..] "  1.061

A10.-c6. M Balsi, F Galluzzi, V Cimagalli: CNN Processor with Optical Input and Optical Space-Variant Programmability, Proceedings of 1995 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA '95), pp. 667-672, December 1995

A10.-c7. iG. Destri and P. Marenzoni, Cellular Neural Networks as a General Massively Parallel Computational Paradigm,  Special Issue of the International Journal of Circuit Theory and Appl.,Vol.24. pp. 397-407, 1996      -- összehasonlítás --  0.971

A10.-c8. iM. Balsi, F. Galluzzi, V.  Cimagalli, CNN Processor with Optical Input and Optical Space-Variant Programmability,  Proc. NOLTA'95 Inter­national Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Application, Vol.2. pp. 667-672, Las Vegas, 1995    
“... have been proposed and tested [..]”

A10.-c9. L.O. Chua, "CNN: A vision of complexity", International Journal Of Bifurcation And Chaos, 7: (10) 2219-2425 Oct 1997  1.014

A10.-c10. P. Arena, R. Caponetto, L. Fortuna, G. Manganaro: Cellular neural networks to explore complexity, Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, pp. 120-136, Vol. 1, No. 3, Sept 1997

A10.-c11. Cs. Rekeczky, L.O. Chua: Computing with Front Propagation: Active Contour And Skeleton Models In Continuous-Time CNN, The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, pp. 373-402, Vol. 23, No. 2-3, November 1999

A11. iT.Roska, T.Boros, A.Radványi, P. Thiran and L.O.Chua, "Detecting moving and standing objects using cellular neural networksDetecting simple motion using Cellular Neural Networks", Int. J. of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 613-628, 1992  0.971

A11.-c1. iR.Dominguez-Castro, S. Espejo, A. Rodriguez-Vázquez, I. Garcia-Vargas, J.F. Ramos and R. Carmona, SIRENA: A Simulation Environment for CNNs, Proc. Third IEEE Int Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA-94, pp.417-422, 1994
" ... many application have been reported [..] "

A11.-c2. iB.E.Shi, Spatio-temporal image filtering with cellular neural networks, UMI Dissertation Services, No.9504999, 1994

A11.-c3. iG. Martinelli and R. Perfetti, Generalized Cellular Neural Network for Novelty Detection, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications,  Vol.41, No.2, pp. 187-190, 1994   
"The difference is defined as in [..]:..."  1.061

A11.-c4. iJ.O.Osuna and G.S.Moschytz, Recognition of Acoustical Alarm Signals with Cellular Neural Networks, Proc. of the 12th ECCTD’95, Vol.2.pp.797-800, Istanbul, 1995         
"... a movement detection template [..]"

A11.-c5. iJ.O.Osuna, Recognition of Acoustical Alarm Signals with Cellular Neural Networks, Series in Microelectronics, Vol.49, Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 1995     "... a movement detection template [..]"

A11.-c6. iL.O.Chua, T.Roska, The CNN Paradigm, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.147-156, March, 1993   " ... phenomenal progress ...[..] "  1.061

A11.-c7. iChai Wah Wu, Some Aspects of Order in Circuits and Systems, PhD. dissertation in EECS, University of California, Berkeley, 1995

A11.-c8. iK.Slot, A cellular neural network for image objects area estimation, Proc. of the Advanced Training Course: Mixed design of VLSI circuits, Debe, Poland, 1994 " ... many interesting solutions ...[..] "

A11.-c9. S. Arik and V. Tavsanoglu, On the Global Asymptotic Stability of Delayed Cellular Neural Networks, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 47, No.4, pp. 571-574, 2000  1.061

A11.-c10. S. Arik, On the Class of Globally Asymptotically Stable Cellular Neural Networks with Time Delay, Proc: 15th IEEE European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD’01), Helsinki, Vol. II1. Pp281-284, 2001

A11.-c11. P. Ecimovic and J. Wu, “Delay-driven Contrast Enhancement using a Cellular Neural Network with State-dependent Delay”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications (CNNA'2002), pp.202-208, Frankfurt, Germany, 2002

A11.-c12. T. Hidvégi, P. Keresztes, P. Szolgay “Enhanced Modified Analized Emulated Digital CNN-UM (CASTLE) Arithmetic Cores”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, special issue on "CNN Technology and Visual Microprocessors", Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 711-738, 2003

A11.-c13. G. Constantini, D. Casali and R. Perfetti, “Analogic CNN algorithm for estimating position and size of moving objects”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 32, pp. 509-522, 2004  0.971

A11.-c14. B. Reljin, I. Krstic, P. Kostic, I. Reljin and D. Kandic, “CNN applications in modeling and solving non-electrical problems”, Cellular Neural Networks: Theory and Applications, Editors A. Slavova and V. Mladenov, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, ISBN: 1-59454-040-3, pp. 135-172,2004

A11.-c15. M.E. Yalcin, J.A. K. Suykens, J.P.L. Vandewalle, “Cellular Neural Networks, Multi-scroll Chaos and Synchronization”, World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series A, Vol. 50, ISBN 981-256-161-7, 2005

A11.-c16. Xuyang Lou, Baotung Cui, “Boundedness and exponential stability for nonautonomous RCNNs with distributed delays”, Computers  & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 54, Issue 4, pp. 589-598, 2007

A11.-c17. Deyou Liu, Jianhua Zhang and Xinping Guan, “Exponential Stability for cellular neural networks? An LMI approach”, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol. 18. Issue 1, pp. 68-71, 2007

A11.-c18. Xuyang Lou and Baotung Cui, “Boundedness and exponential stability for nonautonomous  cellular neural networks with reaction- diffusion terms”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 33, Issue 2, pp.653-662, 2007

A11.-c19. Y. Yang and Jinde Cao, “Stability and periodicity in delayed cellular neural networks with impulsive effects”, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 8. Issue 1, pp. 362-374, 2007

A12. iL.Bálint, G.Csibra, I.Czigler, A.Radványi, "The influence of Several Fundamental HCI Parameters on User Performance in Interactive CAD of Electronic Circuit Layouts" invited paper, Int.J.of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1991 Special Issue on "Human Factors in Manufacturing"  0.733

A13. iGy. Tamás Jr., É. Baranyi, A. Baranyi, A. Radványi, „Computerized Intra­venuous Glybenclamide Test in Early Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus”, Endocrinologia Experimentalis, Vol. 8, pp. 107-114, 1974

A14. iÁ.Csurgay, I.Abos, L.Bálint, M.Grill, A.Radványi, T.Roska, E.Windisch, „Rechnergestützte Konstruktion von elektronischen Schaltungen und Mikrowellenschaltungen”, Nachrichtentechnik-Elektronik, Vol. 23, No. 7., S.255, Juli, 1973

B       Nemzetközi tudományos konferenciák kiadványai International Conferences

B1. L.Orzó, G.Mező, S.Tőkes, A.Radványi, “Combined optically addressable spatial light modulator for affordable adaptive optics” SPIE proceedings Vol. 7015, Marseille, 2008

B2. Z. Fodróczi, A. Radványi, Gy. Takács, „Acoustic source localization using microphone arrays via CNN algorithms”, Proc. of the 16th European Conference on Circuits Theory and Design, ECCTD’03, Krakow, Poland, 2003

B3. A.G.Radványi, "On the Rectangular Grid Representation of General CNN Networks", Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications, (CNNA’2000), pp. 387-394, Catania, 2000

B4. A.G.Radványi, T.Kozek, L.O.Chua, "A CNN Solution for Depth Estimation from Binocular Stereo Imagery", Proc. of the Fifth IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications (CNNA-98), pp.000-000., London, 1998

B5. T.Kozek, A.G.Radványi, L.O.Chua, "Detecting distances in a dynamic highway scenario via CNN", Proc. 1997 International Symposion on Nonlinear Theory and its Application, NOLTA, Hawaii

B6. B. Fehér, P. Szolgay, T. Roska, A.G. Radványi, T. Szirányi, M. Csapodi, K. László, L. Nemes, I. Szatmári, G. Tóth, P.L. Venetianer: ACE - a Digital Floating Point Emulator Engine,  Proceedings of CNNA’96 - 1996 Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, pp. 273-278, Seville, Spain, 1996

B6.-c1. iM.Perko, I.Fajfar,”Proposal for implementation of  digital, non-microprocessor based CNN simulator, Proc. of ECCTD97, Vol. 2 , pp 609-614, Budapest, 1997   -- példa –

B6.-c2. Cs. Rekeczky, L.O. Chua: Computing with Front Propagation: Active Contour And Skeleton Models In Continuous-Time CNN, The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, pp. 373-402, Vol 23, No. 2-3, November 1999

B6.-c3. M. Perko, I. Fajfar, T. Tuma, J. Puhan, "Low-Cost, High-Performance CNN Simulator Implemented in FPGA", Proceedings of IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications, (CNNA'2000), pp. 277-282, Catania, ISBN 0-7803-6344-2, 2000

B6.-c4. R. Carmona, R. Domínguez-Castro, S. Espejo and Á. Rodríguez-Vázquez, "Behavioural Modelling and Simulation of CNN Chips", Towards the Visual Microprocessor - VLSI Design and Use of Cellular Network Universal Machines,   pp. 59-86, Chichester, Ed. by T.Roska and A.Rodriguez-Vázquez, J.Wiley, 2000

B6.-c5. V. Gruev, R. Etienne-Cummings: “Implementation of steerable spatio-temporal image filters on the focal plane”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, pp. 233-244, Vol. 49, No. 4, Apr 2002

B7. iT. Roska, P. Szolgay, Á. Zarándy, P.L. Venetianer, A. Radványi, and T. Szirányi: On a CNN chip-prototyping system, Proceedings of CNNA’94 - 1994 Third IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, pp.375-380., Rome, Italy, 1994

B7.-c1. J. M. Cruz, L. O. Chua: A 16 × 16 Cellular Neural Network Universal Chip: The First Complete Single-Chip Dynamic Computer Array with Distributed Memory and with Gray-Scale Input-Output, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, pp. 227-237, Vol. 15, No. 3, March 1998

B7.-c2. Cs. Rekeczky, L.O. Chua: Computing with Front Propagation: Active Contour And Skeleton Models In Continuous-Time CNN, The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, pp. 373-402, Vol 23, No. 2-3, November 1999

B7.-c3. A. Paasio, A. Kananen, K. Halonen and V. Porra, "A 48x48 CNN Chip for B/W Image Processing", Towards the Visual Microprocessor - VLSI Design and Use of Cellular Network Universal Machines,  pp. 238-257, Chichester, Ed. by T.Roska and A.Rodriguez-Vázquez, J.Wiley, 2000

B8. iA.G. Radványi : Solution of Stereo Correspondence in real Scene: an Analogic CNN Algorithm, Proceedings of CNNA’94 - 1994 Third IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, pp.231-236., Rome, Italy, 1994

B8.-c1. i S. Taraglio, and A. Zanela, Cellular Neural Networks for the Stereo Matching Problem, Proc. of IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications  CNNA-96, Seville, pp. 93-98, 1996
--  összehasonlítás (hibás) –

B8.-c2. B. Reljin, I. Krstic, P. Kostic, I. Reljin and D. Kandic, “CNN applications in modeling and solving non-electrical problems”, Cellular Neural Networks: Theory and Applications, Editors A. Slavova and V. Mladenov, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, ISBN: 1-59454-040-3, pp. 135-172, 2004

B9. iM. Csapodi, L. Nemes, G. Tóth, T. Roska, and A. Radványi: Some novel analogic CNN algorithms for object rotation, 3D interpolation-approximation, and a “door-in-a-floor” problem, Proceedings of CNNA’94 - 1994 Third IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, Rome, Italy, pp. 435-439, 1994

B9.-c1. G. Constantini, D. Casali, M. Carota, and R. Perfetti, “Translation and rotation of grey-scale images by means of Analogic Cellular Neural Network”, Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications (CNNA 2004), pp. 405-410, Budapest 2004

B10. T.Roska, A.Radványi, Cellular Neural Network and Analogic Microprocessor, Proc. of the 6-th School on Neural Networks Theory and Application, Sedmihorky, Czech Republic, 1994

B11. iA.Radványi, Using cellular neural network to "see" random-dot stereograms, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP’93, Budapest, 1993. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 719, pp. 846-853, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993

B11.-c1. iT. Roska, T. Szirányi, Classes of analogic algorithms and their practical use in complex image processing task, 1995 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, Neos Marmaras, Halkidiki, Greece, June 20-22, 1995

B11.-c2. iT. Szirányi, Robustness of Cellular Neural Networks in Image Deblurring and Texture Segmentation, Special Issue of the International Journal of Circuit Theory and Appl.,Vol.24. pp. 381-396, 1996    "... similar to cross correlation ... [..]"  0.971

B11.-c3. iN. Takahashi, L. O. Chua, A New Sufficient Condition for Non­symmetric CNN's to Have a Stable Equilibrium Point, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 44, No.11, pp.1092-1095, Nov, 1997. 
"The first example is the ERASEMASK template [..] "  1.061

B11.-c4. Salerno M, Sargeni F, Bonaiuto V, "A dedicated multi-chip programmable system for cellular neural networks", Analog Integrated Circuits And Signal Processing, 18: (2-3) 277-288 Feb 1999  0.254

B11.-c5. D. Monnin, A. Köneke and J. Hérault, „Boolean Design of Binary Initialized and Coupled CNN Image Processing Operators”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications (CNNA'2002), pp.124-131, Frankfurt, Germany, 2002

B12. iT.Roska, A.Radványi, T.Szirányi and P.Szolgay, On the applications of the cellular neural networks (CNN) paradigm, Workshop on Neural Networks and their Applications, Budapest, 1993

B13. iGy.Erőss, T.Boros, Á.Kiss, A.Radványi, T.Roska, J.Bitó and J.Vass, "Optical Tracking System for Automatic Guided Vehicles Using Cellular Neural Networks", Proceedings of CNNA’92 - 1992 Second IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, Munich, Germany, pp.216-221, 1992

B13.-c1. iL.O.Chua, T.Roska, The CNN Paradigm, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.147-156, March, 1993    " in REFERENCES "  1.061

B13.-c2. V. Cimagalli, M. Balsi: Cellular Neural Networks: A Review, Proceedings of Sixth Italian Workshop on Parallel Architectures and Neural Networks, May 1993

B13.-c3. P. Szolgay, A. Katona, Á. Kiss, L. Székely, A. Veres, "An Optical Robot Path Tracking System", Towards the Visual Microprocessor - VLSI Design and Use of Cellular Network Universal Machines,   pp. 344-350, Chichester, Ed. by T.Roska and A.Rodriguez-Vázquez, J.Wiley, 2000

B14. iA.G.Radványi, "A Dual Model of Cyclopean Perception and its Applications Potentials in Artificial Stereopsis", Proceedings of CNNA’92 - 1992 Second IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, Munich, Germany, pp.222-227, 1992

B14.-c1. iBing J. Sheu, Joongho Choi, Neural Information Processing and VLSI, in The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1995., p.147

B14.-c2. iL.O.Chua, T.Roska, The CNN Universal Machine: An Analogic Array Computer, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.163-173, March, 1993
" in REFERENCES "  0.681

B14.-c3. iL.O.Chua, T.Roska, T.Kozek and Á.Zarándy: The CNN Paradigm – A Short Tutorial, in Cellular Neural Networks, Ed: T.Roska and J.Vandewalle, J.Wiley & Sons, 1993  " in REFERENCES "

B14.-c4. V. Cimagalli, M. Balsi: Cellular Neural Networks: A Review, Proceedings of Sixth Italian Workshop on Parallel Architectures and Neural Networks, May 1993

B14.-c5. Th.Wu, B.J.Sheu, E.Y.Chou, Behavioral simulation of densely connected analog cellular array processors for high performance computing, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, V. 10, pp.77-88, 1996  0.254

B15. iL.Bálint, I.Czigler, A.Radványi, "A new way of increasing efficiency and reliability of human computer interaction" in CAD of PWB's; Proc.of Symp.on Electronic Technology'90, 1990 Bp.

B16. iT.Roska, G.Bártfay, P.Szolgay, T.Szirányi, A. Radványi, T.Kozek, Zs.Ugray, "A hardware accelerator board for Cellular Neural Networks: CNN-HAC", Proceedings of CNNA’90 - 1990 IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, pp.160-168, Budapest, Hungary, 1990

B16.-c1. iN. Frühauf, E. Lüder, G. Bader, Fourier optical realization of cellular neural networks, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.156-162, March, 1993 0.681

B16.-c2. iR.Dominguez-Castro, S. Espejo, A. Rodriguez-Vázquez, I. Garcia-Vargas, J.F. Ramos and R. Carmona, SIRENA: A Simulation Environment for CNNs, Proc. Third IEEE Int Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA-94, pp.417-422, 1994
" ... many application have been reported [..] "

B16.-c3. iH. Harrer, Discrete-Time Celular Neural Networks, Verlag Shaler, Aachen, 1992

B16.-c4. J.Henseler, Connections, Neurons and Activation, The Organization of Representation in Artificial Neural Networks, Proefschrift Maastricht, ISBN 90-9006624-1

B17. iA. Radványi, „Analysis of Large Electronic Circuits via Topological Reductions”, ECCTD’80 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Warsawa, 1980

B18. iL. Bálint, A. Radványi, „A Bottom-Up Modeling and Top-Down Analysis Method for Large-Scale Circuits”, Proc. of the 1980 Int. Conf. on Circuits and Computers, Chicago, 1980

B19. iA. Radványi, „An Efficient Algorithm for DC and Transient Analysis of MOS LSI Integrated Circuits”, Proc. of the VI. Colloquium on Microwave Communication, Vol. I., Budapest, 1978

B19.-c1. Shomodi A, "Comparison Of MOS-Transistor Models When Analyzing Electronic-Circuits Using A Computer", Telecommunications And Radio Engineering, 35-6: (7) 42-46 1981

B20. iA. Baranyi, A. Radványi, „Volterra-Series Distortion Analysis of Distributed Parameter Nonlinear Circuits”, Proc. of the Second International Symposium on Network Theory, Herceg-Novi, Yugoslavia, July, 1972

B21. iI.Abos, A.Radványi, „Interactive Design of Circuits”, Proc. of the Summer School on Circuit Theory SSCT’71, Tále, Czechoslovakia, Sept, 1971

B22. iÁ.Csurgay, I.Abos, M.Grill, A.Radványi, T.Roska, E.Windisch, „Computer Aided Design of Electronic and Microwave Circuits”, Proc. of the Summer School on Circuit Theory SSCT’71, Tále, Czechoslovakia, Sept, 1971

B23. iL.Bálint, A.Radványi, Á.Csurgay, I.Abos, M.Grill, T.Roska, E.Windisch, „CAD of Electronic and Microwave Circuits”, Proc. of the Telecommunication Conference, Bukarest, November, 1971

B24. iI. Abos, A. Baranyi, L. Bálint, Á. Csurgay, A. Radványi, „On the Computer Aided Design of Electronic and Microwave Circuits”, Popov Kongresszus, Moszkva, 1970

C      Szakkönyvek Books

C1. Radványi András, “Térészlelés”, fejezet, “Általános pszichológia I., Észlelés és figyelem”, szerk.: Csépe V., Ragó A., Győri M., OSIRIS kiadó, Bp., 2007

C2. A.G. Radványi, “A Depth Classification System”, Chapter 7.4, pp. 351-359, in book “Towards the Visual Microprocessor - VLSI Design and the Use of Cellular Neural Network Universal Machine” edited by T.Roska and A.Rodriguez-Vázquez, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, (2000)

C3. A.Radványi, Using cellular neural network to "see" random-dot stereograms, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP’93, Budapest, 1993. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 719, pp. 846-853 Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993

C4. iT.Roska, G.Bártfai, P.Szolgay, T.Szirányi, A.Radványi, T.Kozek, Zs.Ugray, Á.Zarándy, "A Digital Multiprocessor Hardware Accelerator Board for Cellular Neural Networks: CNN-HAC", Cellular Neural Networks (Szerk: T.Roska, J.Vandewalle), pp.151-161, John Wiley & Sons, 1993

C5. iRoska T., Adorján P., Bálint L., Fogaras A., Grill M., Radványi A., „Áramkörök tervezését segítő szimulációs programok és algoritmusaik”, TKI Évkönyv 1975, II. kötet, Budapest, 1977

C6. iT.Roska, A.Radványi, M.Grill, M.Herpy, T.Tatai, „The Use of Circuit Analysis Programs in the Design of Telecommunication Circuits”, Annual of the Research Institute for Telecommunications, Budapest, 1973

C7. iAbos I., Baranyi A., Bálint L., Csurgay Á., Radványi A., „Az elektronikus és mikrohullámú áramkörök számítógéppel segített tervezéséről”, A Távközlési Kutató Intézet Jubileumi évkönyve, 1950-1970, Bp. 1971

D      Hazai tudományos folyóiratok National Journal

D1. Lakos A., Radványi A., Nagy Gy., “Automata immunoblot analízis (AIBA) Lyme Boreliosys (LB) diagnosztizálására”, Magyar Infektológiai Társaság Vándorgyűlés, 1998 okt. 9-10, SzegedInfektológia és Klinikai Mikrobiológia, 5. évf. 1. szupplementum, 26. old,  1998.5.S1.26

D2. iA.Radványi, Using CNN to "see" random-dot stereograms - dual CNN models of stereo vision, J. on Communications, Vol. XLIV, pp. 9-17 (1993) iA.G.Radványi, T.Roska, "The CNN workstation", J. on Communications, Vol. XLIV, pp. 27-33 (1993).

D3. iA.G.Radványi, T.Roska, "The CNN workstation", J. on Communications, Vol. XLIV, pp. 27-33 (1993).

D4. iCsurgay Á., Roska T., Abos I., Bálint L., Radványi A., Szolgay P., Sárossy J., Váradi I., „Automaták alkalmazása az elektronikai tervezésben”, Híradástechnika, XXXVII. kötet, 6. szám, 247-253 old., 1986

D5. iBaranyi A., Radványi A., „Nagyfrekvenciás tranzisztorok modellezése számítógépes áramkörtervezés céljaira”, Magyar Híradástechnika, XXIII. évf., 12. szám, 1972

D6. iCsurgay Á., Abos I., Grill M., Radványi A., Roska T., Windisch E., „Számítógépek alkalmazása információközlő berendezések tervezésében”, Automatizálás,  9.szám, 1971

E      Hazai tudományos konferenciák kiadványai National Conferences

E1. iGrill M., Radványi A., Windisch E., „Koncentált és elosztott paraméterű hálózatok egyenáramú, frekvenciatartománybeli, tolerancia és hőmérsékleti analízise”, III. Országos Elektronikus Műszer- és Méréstechnikai Konferencia, Budapest, 1972. március, illetve A Távközlési Kutató Intézet Közleményei, XVII. évf., 3. szám, Budapest, 1972

E2. iBaranyi É., Tamás T., Baranyi A., Radványi A., „Az intravénás Glibenclamid-próba értékelése számítógép segítségével”, A Magyar Farmakológus Társaság II. Vándorgyűlése, Pécs, 1972 szeptember

E3. iCsurgay Á., Abos I., Bálint L., Grill M., Radványi A., Roska T., Windisch E., „Elektronikus és mikrohullámú áramkörök gépi tervezéséről”, Számítógép­technika’71 Konferencia, Esztergom, 1971

E4. iAbos I., Baranyi A., Bálint L., Csurgay Á., Radványi A., „Az elektronikus és mikrohullámú áramkörök számítógépes tervezéséről”, COMPCONTOL 70 Konferencia, Miskolc, 1970 július

F      Research reports, working papers

F1. Radványi András, "Általános CNN hálózatok reprezentációja négyzetes rácson", Research report of the  Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory, (DNS-2-1999), Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 1999

F2. G. Tóth, T. Roska, A. Radványi, “Analogic CNN Algorithm for 3D Inter­pola­tion-Approximation, Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-2-1995. Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 1995.

F3. iA.G. Radványi, “Random Stereograms in Analogic CNN Framework - Depth Detection”, Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory,  DNS-6-1995. Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 1995.

F4. iCNNM Multi-Layer Cellular Neural Networks Simulator V.6., User’s guide (A. Radványi, P.L. Venetianer and Á. Zarándy), MTA SZTAKI, 1994.

F4.-c1. iJ.M.Cruz and L.O.Chua, Application of Cellular Neural Networks to Model Population Dynamics, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 42, No.10, pp. 715-720, 1995 " in REFERENCES "  1.061

F4.-c2. iR. Kunz, R. Tetzlaff, and D. Wolf, SCNN: A Universal Simulator for Cellular Neural Networks, Proc. of IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications  CNNA-96, Seville, pp. 255-259, 1996  " in REFERENCES "

F4.-c3. iP. Szolgay, I. Szatmári, K. László, "A Fast Fixed Point Learnng Method to Implement Associative Memory on CNN's,  IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications Vol. 44, No.4, pp. 362-366, 1997  " in REFERENCES "  1.061

F5. iP.L. Venetianer, A.G. Radványi and T. Roska, ACL: an analogical CNN language (version 2), Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-3-1994. Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 1994

F5.-c1. i Tao Yang, Lin-Bao Yang, Xiu-Ping Yang, Application of a Cellular Neural Network to Facial Expression Animation and High-level Image Processing, Special Issue of the International Journal of Circuit Theory and Appl.,Vol.24. pp. 425-450, 1996  " in REFERENCES "  0.971

F6. A.Radványi, "Hypothetical simulation of non-linear systems with memory, on an idealistic computer of infinite speed and capacity", Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-2-1993, MTA-SzTAKI

F7. iGy.Erőss, A.Radványi, T.Boros, Á.Kiss, P.Lantos, J.Bitó, T.Roska, and J.Vass, "Optical Tracking System for Automatic Guided Vehicles Using Cellular Neural Networks", Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-15-1992, MTA-SzTAKI

F8. iA.Radványi, P.L.Venetiáner and Á.Zarándy, "CNNM Multi-Layer Cellular Neural Network Simulator, Version 2.4.1992. User's guide", DNS-12-1992, MTA-SZTAKI

F9. iA.Radványi,"Using CNN to "see" random-dot stereograms - Dual CNN models of stereo vision ", Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-7-1992, MTA-SZTAKI

F10. iCNN Workstation User's guide DNS-10-1992, MTA-SZTAKI

F11. iA.Radványi and Á.Zarándy, "CNNHAC  Cellular neural Network Simulator Using Hardware Accelerator Board, Version 5.0.1992. User's guide", DNS-11-1992, MTA-SZTAKI

F12. iA.Radványi, P.L.Venetiáner and Á.Zarándy, "CNNM Multi-Layer Cellular Neural Network Simulator, Version 2.4.1992. User's guide", DNS-12-1992, MTA-SZTAKI

F12.-c1. iS. Jankowski, C. Mazur and R. Wanczuk, Some problems of molecular physics solved by CNN, Proc. NOLTA’93, Vol.1. pp.17-22, Hawaii, Dec 1993

F13. iT.Roska, A.Radványi, and Á.Zarándy, "DUALCOMP Dual CNN Compiler to CNN-HAC1 Board,, Version 2.0.1992. User's guide", DNS-13-1992, MTA-SZTAKI

F14. iT.Boros, K.Lotz, A.Radványi and T.Roska, "Some useful, new, nonlinear and delay-type templates", Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-1-1991, MTA-SZTAKI.

F14.-c1. Bing J. Sheu, Joongho Choi, Neural Information Processing and VLSI, in The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1995., p.147

F14.-c2. i L.O.Chua, T.Roska, The CNN Paradigm, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.147-156, March, 1993  1.061

F15. iGy.Erőss, T.Boros, J.Bitó and A.Radványi, "A new, optical tracking method for robot cars using cellular neural networks", Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-6-1991, MTA-SZTAKI.

F16. iT.Roska, T.Radványi, T.Kozek and T.Boros, "Dual CNN software library", DNS-7-1991, MTA-SZTAKI.

F16.-c1. iS. Jankowski, C. Mazur and R. Wanczuk, Some problems of molecular physics solved by CNN, Proc. NOLTA’93, Vol.1. pp.17-22, Hawaii, Dec 1993

F16.-c2. Chun-Ying Ho and S. Mori, An Optimized Synthesis of a Discrete -Time Cellular Neural Network for Parallel Thinning, Int.J. of CTA, Vol.22. No.5. pp. 303-375, 1994  0.971

F16.-c3. L.O.Chua, T.Roska, The CNN Paradigm, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.147-156, March, 1993  1.061

F17. iA.Radványi, K.Halonen and T.Roska, "The CNNL simulator and some time varying CNN templates", Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-9-1991, MTA-SZTAKI.

F17.-c1. L.O. Chua: CNN. II. Applications and VLSI circuit realizations, Circuits and Systems, 1992., Proceedings of the 35th Midwest Symposium, Vol. 1, pp. 146-149, Aug. 1992

F17.-c2. L.O.Chua, T.Roska, The CNN Paradigm, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.147-156, March, 1993. 1.061

F18. iA.Radványi and T.Roska, "The CNN workstation - CNND Version 4.1", DNS-12-1991, MTA-SZTAKI.

F18.-c1. L.O. Chua: CNN. II. Applications and VLSI circuit realizations, Circuits and Systems, 1992., Proceedings of the 35th Midwest Symposium, Vol. 1, pp. 146-149, Aug. 1992

F18.-c2. L.O.Chua, T.Roska, The CNN Paradigm, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.147-156, March, 1993  1.061

F19. iT.Roska, T.Boros, A.Radványi, P. Thiran and L.O.Chua, "Detecting simple motion using Cellular Neural Networks", Research report of the Analogic (Dual) and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-15-1991, MTA-SZTAKI

F20. i"Nyomtatott lap tervező-gyártó-ellenőrző (TGE) rendszer; folyamatelemző-ellenőrző és 'add-on-board' mérő-programozó mintamunkahely", OMFB zárójelentés, MTA SzTAKI, Budapest, 1990 november

F21. iT.Roska, A.Radványi, "CNND simulátor, Cellular Neural Network Embedded in a Simple Dual Computing Structure, Version 3.01, User's guide", Report 37(1990), Comp.Aut.Inst., HAS (MTA SzTAKI), 1990

F21.-c1. i L.O.Chua, T.Roska, The CNN Paradigm, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 40, No.3, pp.147-156, March, 1993  1.061

F22. i"Logika és Layout együttes tervezését biztosító 32 bites processzorú szemályi számítógépen kialakított rendszer – LOLA", MTA SzTAKI Elektronikai TGE Rendszerek Elmélete Kutatócsoport, Budapest, 1989

F23. iBOSS – Tervezői Keretrendszer és Eseményvezérelt Animáció, Dokumentáció, MTA SzTAKI Elektronikai TGE Rendszerek Elmélete Kutatócsoport, Budapest, 1988

F24. iSPHINX – Kapcsolási rajz és Blokkvázlat Interaktív Szerkesztés, Dokumentáció, MTA SzTAKI Elektronikai TGE Rendszerek Elmélete Kutatócsoport, Budapest, 1988

F25. i"Elektronikai Társas Tervezői Munkahely (ETTM)", Összefoglaló dokumentáció a logika-layout és a hardware-software együttes szimuláció megvalósításáról, MTA SzTAKI Elektronikai TGE Rendszerek Elmélete Kutatócsoport, Budapest, 1988

F26. i"Hálózatok strukturált leírása – INPUT MODUL – Határfelületek", A nyelv leírása, felhasználói, fejlesztői, telepítési és üzemeltetési dokumentáció, MTA SzTAKI, Budapest, 1983

F27. iAdorján P., Fné Orosz J., Radványi A., „Analóg szimulációs AUTER programok vállalati bevezetése: feltételek esettanulmányok, javaslatok”, TKI Intézeti Tanulmány, TKI‑I‑81‑1210‑1, Budapest, 1981

F28. iBálint L., Koltay M., Radványi A., Roska T., Somogyi A., Trutz S., Ugray L., Veszely Gy., Zombory L., „A technológiai folyamat és az elektromos modellek kapcsolata az LSI-KFT technológiáiban”, TKI Intézeti Tanulmány, TKI‑I‑80‑941‑1, Budapest, 1980

F29. iRadványi A., Somogyi A., „ANAL 20 – MOS analízis program, Alkalmazói segédlet, TKI, Budapest, 1979

F29.-c1. Nemes M, "Driving Large Capacitances In MOS LSI Systems ", IEEE Journal Of Solid-State Circuits, 19: (1) 159-161 1984  2.035

F30. iAbos I., Radványi A., „Kisgépes AUTER keretmodul kidolgozása az 1977-ben készített rendszerterv alapján”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI‑I‑78‑944‑8, Budapest, 1978

F31. iRadványi A., „MOS LSI áramkörök DC és tranziens analízis algoritmusa”, az „Analóg szimulációs programok algoritmusai LSI áramkörök tervezésében”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány 2. fejezete, TKI‑I‑77‑941‑1, Budapest, 1977

F32. iAbos I., Radványi A., Hámori M., „Az AUTER rendszer keretrendszere R10/R12 kisszámítógépen”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI‑I‑77‑942‑1, Budapest, 1977

F33. iRadványi A., Somogyi A., „MOS LSI áramkörök tranziens analízise – ANAL 20 alkalmazói programcsomag, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, Budapest, 1977

F34. iRadványi A., Scsaurszki P., Abos I., Bálint L., Bodrog L., Grill M., Roska T., „Az AUTER rendszerben írt alkalmazói programokat csatlakoztató közös input/output rendszer. Az INPUT MODUL felhasználói dokumentációja és implementálási leírása ICL SYSTEM 4 és R 30 számítógépekre”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI‑I‑76‑322‑10, Budapest, 1976

F35. iCsurgay Á., Roska T., Abos I., Bálint L., Bodrog L., Grill M., Radványi A., Scsaurszki P., „Az AUTER rendszer programjaival szemben támasztott követelmények. A rendszer bevezetése a szocialista országok egységes rendszerébe”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI‑I‑75‑321‑1, Budapest, 1975

F36. iRadványi A., „ANAL 11 – AC, tolerancia, zaj és torzításanalízis program”, Felhasználói dokumentáció, TKI, Budapest, 1975

F37. iCsurgay Á., Németh J., Neményi A., Roska T., Abos I., Bálint L., Radványi A., Scsaurszki P., „Automatizált tervezési és kísérleti realizálási /AUTER/ rendszer rádióelektronikai és számítástechnikai eszközök, áramkörök és berendezések kidolgozására”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI‑I‑74‑321‑8, Budapest, 1974

F38. iA. Radványi, „AC, Noise, Sensitivity and Distortion Analysis of Electronic and Microwave Circuits – User’s Manual of programme KANAL/CDC 6600 L.M.Ericsson, Stockholm, 1974

F39. iNémeth J., Radványi A., Scsaurszki P., „Előkészítő tanulmány a TKI szatellit­gépes, időosztásos gépi tervezési szolgáltató rendszer rendszertervéhez”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI‑I‑73‑321‑10, Budapest, 1973

F40. iRadványi A., „Lináris áramkörök frekvenciatartománybeli /AC/, zaj, tolerancia és hőmérsékleti analízise – ANAL7”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI‑I‑72‑322‑7, Budapest, 1972

F41. iGrill M., Radványi A., Windisch E., „Koncentált és elosztott paraméterű hálózatok egyenáramú, frekvenciatartománybeli, tolerancia és hőmérsékleti analízise”, III. Országos Elektronikus Műszer- és Méréstechnikai Konferencia, Budapest, 1972. március, illetve A Távközlési Kutató Intézet Közleményei, XVII. évf., 3. szám, Budapest, 1972

F42. iCsurgay Á., Bálint L., Grill M., Radványi A., Roska T., Windisch E., „Számítógépek alkalmazása áramkörök tervezésében”, A Távközlési Kutató Intézet Közleményei, XVII. évf., 1. szám, Budapest, 1972

F43. iGrill M., Radványi A., Nagyné-Windisch E., „Lináris működésű áramkörök DC, AC és tolerancia analízise a hőfokfüggés figyelembevételével”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI-I-71-321-1/2. fejezet, Budapest, 1971

F44. iRoska T., Baranyi A., Csurgay Á., Abos I., Aczél Gy., Adorján P., Bálint L., Grill M., Kovács Zs., Windisch E., Radványi A., Rácz E., Simonyi E., „Elektronikus áramkörök számítógéppel segített tervezése”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI-I-71-321-1/I-IV., Budapest, 1971

F45. iAczél Gy., Baranyi A., Bálint L., Csurgay Á., Grill M., Kovács Zs., Radványi A., Roska T., Simonyi E., Windisch E., „Elektronikus és mikrohullámú áramkörök tervezését alátámasztó számítógép programrendszer”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI-I-70-321-5/I-II., Budapest, 1970

F46. iGrill M., Radványi A., Windisch E., „Elektronikus és mikrohullámú áramkörök dc, ac, tolerancia és hőmérsékleti analízise”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány,        
TKI-I-70-321-5/2. fejezet,
Budapest, 1970

F47. iBaranyi A., Radványi A., „Kisnemlineáritású áramkörök torzításanalízise”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI-I-70-321-5/4. fejezet, Budapest, 1970

F48. iBaranyi A., Radványi A., „Nagyfrekvenciás tranzisztorok modellezése”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI-I-69-321-6, Budapest, 1969

F49. iAbos I., Radványi A., „Lineáris áramkörök frekvenciatartománybeli interaktív /on-line/ tervezése”, TKI Intézet Tanulmány, TKI-I-69-321-9, Budapest, 1969

G       Ismeretlen


G1.-c1. Nemes M, "Driving Large Capacitances In MOS LSI Systems ", IEEE Journal Of Solid-State Circuits, 19: (1) 159-161 1984  2.035

H    Egyéb

H1. Patkó Tamás (HEXIUM Kft.), Radványi András (MTA SzTAKI), „IKTA-019/2000, Triclops HW-SW rendszer - 3D felületmodellezés”, OMFB nyilvános szakmai fórum (Oktatási Minisztérium Kutatás-fejlesztési Helyettes Államtitkárság)

H2.  Radványi András, „Hogyan látunk térben?” 1-4 és „Hogyan lát(tat)unk térben?” 5-6, cikksorozat, Digitális Fotó Magazin, 2003. december – 2004. szeptember