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Welcome to Sándor Bozóki's homepage!
Matchhouse (house made of matches)
Houses made of matches
Pin-cube, cube made of pins
Cube made of pins
Match-cube in a bottle (bottle whimsey / whimsey bottle / magic bottle / bottle magic / puzzle bottle / impossible bottle / whimsey / patience bottle)  Pin-cube in a bottle (bottle whimsey / whimsey bottle / magic bottle / bottle magic / puzzle bottle / impossible bottle / whimsey / patience bottle)   Éva and Gábor, Matchcube in a bottle (bottle whimsey / whimsey bottle / magic bottle / bottle magic / puzzle bottle / impossible bottle / whimsey / patience bottle)   Match-cube in a bottle (bottle whimsey / whimsey bottle / magic bottle / bottle magic / puzzle bottle / impossible bottle / whimsey / patience bottle)
Bottle whimseys
 (bottle whimsey / whimsey bottle / magic bottle / bottle magic /
puzzle bottle / impossible bottle / whimsey / patience bottle)

Matchball (ball made of matches)
Ball made of matches
Matchpicture Einstein, a picture made of matchesMatchpicture Tiger, a picture made of matchesMatchpicture Fatima's hand, a picture made of matches   Bali (Bedugul), match-picture
Pictures made of matches
Match collection with quotes


Last updated on 24 March 2016

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