Palace of Art, Budapest, April 12 - May 12, 1996
(Throwaway to the exhibition)

After several years of illegal surveying in Near East Europe in 1974, IPUT began to mobilize those latent and manifest basic elements in the contemporary spectrum of myth which are the tools for myth correction. The first three phases of SLSP 1984 W: The Mutant, The Mutant Class, and 24th Canton, were made in the laboratory of the associated institutions fused within the new center of IPUT in Geneva. (their documentation has been on display in several museums in Europe and the USA.) The operation, besides refuting and actually superseding the degenerate evolutionist and perverted creationist views of existence, proves the domino effect of Free Will to form a reality-island amidst the mythic interpretation of the existential crisis.
Catabasis Soleriologic (Descent of Salvation History) to be presented in the Palace of Art is the fourth phase of SLSP 1984 W. The vice-dispatcher of IPUT, T. Taub, began this operation in 1985, and during these 12 years, he has made site sketches, shots and notes on thousands of probes, mapping the area whose center is "il punto al cual si traggon d'ogni parte i pesi" (Dante: The Inferno, XXXIV,110-111 - "the point towards which weights are starting from everywhere") - and vice versa. In fact, this is the transgression, domestication, conquest of the banned as defined by state/church aesthetics; it is the change of system, the regrouping and extension of the definite aesthetic universe, which the help of an activity erroneously deemed "unfeasible", insidiously branded "non-artistic", hence wickedly exiled as "evil". It is the total failure of the ideology of segregationist and deserted, hierarchic and indirect technae - "the end justifies the means, mea culpa" - in order to fill to the brim the heterarchic bowl of myth by the self-sacrifice of unionist and excommunicated, anarchic, direct, autonomous-aesthetic poiesis. General Strike!
When asked in an interview at the Museum of Modern Art (N.Y.) in 1989, "Why don't you cross the Equator during your one-year long journey around the world, and who is your manager?", T. Taub answered: "As an honorary member of the International Flat Earth: Society, I must rely on my imagination concerning the southern hemisphere during my journey. My Sibyl in the northern hemisphere is the American psychologist James H. Bedford, the first crionized, who in the southern virtual hemisphere is the French painter Paul Cézanne, the first Bad Artist". To the question "Do you regard your activity as science or art, and what is your goal?" he said: "All activity rests on a common basis. Work and strike, and within that, the application, replacement, decomposition, rephasing or diversion of representation, symbolism, the informal and the concrete, etc., is none other than the ecstatic glorification of the Aesthetic Absolute projected from the sacred core of the individual, in the only possible, practicable and worthy dimension, corporeal immortality - if I hear well."
Since, as is well-known, the resolution ratio of the illusory universal conflict is 101 % Fluxus per m elite, the Neo-Socialist Realist Catabasis Soteriologic directly initiates one into what must be realized in any case if one does not want to be homo labilis again, as man did, e.g. some 60,000 years ago. to the greatest astonishment of the lemurs. This won't be overtly recognized before Near East Europe, regrettably still strongly influenced by fundamentalist real-politics. becomes part of the planned non-military and neutral Eurasian Green Zone where naturally all activity will tend towards the expansion autoesthesia with the economic and legal conditions of Subsistence Level, the rightful share of all, being universally ensured. At the end.