Letter to Katalin Néray


Ludwig Múzeum Budapest
1250 Bp., Pf.: 23.

Budapest, 08. 26. 1996

Dear Katalin Néray!

On going to the Ludwig Museum on 23. 08. 1996, I received your letter dated 22. 08. 1996, in which you ask me to take part in the "Beyond Art" exhibition, with our work entitled Bio Feed Back (more accurately BIRO). Thank you for the invitation.

On 25th, I got into contract with János Tóth, the electrical engineer, with whom we jointly developed the equipment. I agreed with him - as it's not sure that I will be in Budapest in the days preceding the exhibition opening - that he will install it.

A little later, we spoke with the curator Krisztina SzipËcs about the question of payment, something not mentioned in the letter. Krisztina let it be known that we are not receiving a fee. I expressed my amazement, that it has still NOT become natural, that just as those who work on this exhibition are payed, or receive some other remuneration, those who create the works ALSO receive payment. If this was simply a matter of a Sunday evening exhibition of painters, then it would be understandable, but those exhibiting at this exhibition are obliged to live from their art, since if they do not live from it, then they would not be left time to continue their artistic reseach and creative work - and thus give employment to people who work in museums. My amazement was not alleviated when I heard the "but we don't make payments" formula, the "we earn very little ourselves" principle, I could not even eat a chocolate. We have already had numerous opportunities to expound the basic idea of an 'Artist's Strike', and for this reason, we believe it regrettable that as always, situations arise where we have to be convinced of our ineffectiveness.

Since in this period, when you are able to get your hands on an income through your own work, we also have to work to make ends meet - since in Hungary there is still no legally guaranteed Universal Living Wage to the Detriment of Military Expenditure - thus, to our great regret, we are unable to accept your kind invitation.

If - accepting our argument - there is some means for the exhibiting artists to receive some kind of suitable recompense, we will happily participate. We will be available at the following address until September 27th (and possibly for longer): IPUT (Tamas St Auby)

c\o L'Huillier
57 Route de Chene
1208 Geneve - CH
T: (41-22) 736.07.05

Thanks once again for your interest in the work of IPUT. Greetings.

                                 St Auby Tamás.
                                 (V. - ad interim - dispatcher)