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Matchbox collection (phillumeny)
with quotes


No.73. Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. (Betty Smith)

Look at everything as though you were
seeing it either for the first or last time.
(Betty Smith)

No.74. There are two rules for success... 1. Never tell everything you know. (Roger H. Lincoln)

There are two rules for success...
1. Never tell everything you know.
(Roger H. Lincoln)

No.75. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. (Albert Einstein) 

I know not with what weapons World War III
will be fought, but World War IV will be
fought with sticks and stones.
(Albert Einstein)

No.76. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. (Alan Kay)

The best way to predict the future
is to invent it.
(Alan Kay)

No.77. A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths. (Steven Wright)

A lot of people are afraid of heights.
Not me, I'm afraid of widths.
(Steven Wright)

Szikrázó elmék 78.   „Kezdem úgy érezni, hogy egy ember bölcsességének mértéke a tanácstalansága.” (Nathaniel Hawthorne)

No.79. An optimist is someone who goes after Moby Dick in a rowboat and takes the tartar sauce with him. (Zig Ziglar)

An optimist is someone who goes after
Moby Dick in a rowboat and takes
the tartar sauce with him.
(Zig Ziglar)

Szikrázó elmék 80.   „Amikor a padlón vagy, szedjél fel onnan valamit.” (Sherry Conway Appel)

Szikrázó elmék 81.   „Olyan magas volt, hogy sámliról mosott fogat.” (Steven Gameman)
No.82. Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot. (Groucho Marx)

Anyone who says he can see
through women is missing a lot.
(Groucho Marx)

Szikrázó elmék 83.   „Sok házaspár tudja, hogy két nézőpont közt a legrövidebb távolság egy jó poén.” (J. P. McEvoy)
Szikrázó elmék 84.   „Az anyósom mindenkinek azt mondogatja, hogy nőies vagyok. Nem zavar, mert hozzá képest tényleg.” (Les Dawson)

No.85. I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me. (Sir Winston Churchill)

I have taken more out of alcohol
than alcohol has taken out of me.
(Sir Winston Churchill)

No.86. High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead. (Christopher Morley)

High heels were invented by a woman
who had been kissed on the forehead.
(Christopher Morley)

No.87. If you want to have good ideas you must have many ideas. (Dr. Linus Pauling)   Also known as:   The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas, and throw the bad ones away.

If you want to have good ideas
you must have many ideas.
(Dr. Linus Pauling)  

Also known as:  
The way to get good ideas is to
get lots of ideas, and throw
the bad ones away. 

No.88. The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible. (David Ogilvy)

The best ideas come as jokes.
Make your thinking as
funny as possible.
(David Ogilvy)

Szikrázó elmék 89.   „A sietség borzasztóan komoly dolog, amikor én sietek, és elképesztően mulatságos, mikor más.” (Christopher Morley)
No.90. If a man sits down to think, he is immediately asked if he has a headache. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

If a man sits down to think, he is immediately
asked if he has a headache.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Szikrázó elmék 91.   „Pénzt a legkönnyebb hamisítani. Festményt már nehezebb, a történelem meghamisítása pedig komoly erőfeszítést és hosszú időt igényel. Az egyetlen, amit nem érdemes hamisítani, én vagyok.” (Thaly Kálmán)
No.92. Forgive me now - tomorrow I may no longer feel guilty. (Asleigh Brilliant)

Forgive me now - tomorrow I may
no longer feel guilty.
(Asleigh Brilliant)

Szikrázó elmék 93.   „Legnagyobb keserűségemre minden nap bölcsebb leszek.” (Lord George Byron)
No.94. The covers of this book are too far apart. (Ambrose Bierce)

The covers of this book are too far apart.
(Ambrose Bierce)

No.95. If I am a great man, then a good many great men of history are frauds. (Andrew Bonar)

If I am a great man, then a good many
great men of history are frauds.
(Andrew Bonar)

No.96. It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards. (Lewis Carroll)

It's a poor sort of memory
that only works backwards.
(Lewis Carroll)

No.97. You know children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers. (John J. Plomp)

You know children are growing up when they
start asking questions that have answers.
(John J. Plomp)

No.98. Murder is a crime. Describing murder is not. Sex is not a crime. Describing it is. (Gershon Legman)

Murder is a crime. Describing murder is not.
Sex is not a crime. Describing it is.
(Gershon Legman)

Szikrázó elmék 99.   „Egyszer erről is írtam egy könyvet, de a címére már nem emlékszem.” (Marshall McLuhan)
No.100. Reagan won because he ran against Jimmy Carter. If he ran unopposed he would have lost. (Mort Sahl)

Reagan won because he ran against
Jimmy Carter. If he ran unopposed
he would have lost.
(Mort Sahl)

No.101. Why does it take two days for a polaroid of John Major to appear? (Barry Cryer)

Why does it take two days for a
polaroid of John Major to appear?
(Barry Cryer)

Szikrázó elmék 102.   „Stanley Baldwin mindig fején találja a szöget, de az sose megy beljebb.” (G. M. Young)

Szikrázó elmék 103.   „Jobban hasonlít rám James Bond, mint én őrá.” (Pierce Brosnan)
No.104. So little time and so little to do. (Oscar Levant)

So little time and so little to do.
(Oscar Levant)

Szikrázó elmék 105.   „Szinte az ellentéte régi önmagának. Azelőtt depressziós volt és szerencsétlen. Most szerencsétlen és depressziós.” (Harry Kalas)
Szikrázó elmék 106.   „Ha még sokáig nem keres fel senki az irodámban, kiírom az ajtóra, hogy ’férfiak’.” (Dorothy Parker)

No.107. The future is much like the present, only longer. (Dan Quisenberry)

The future is much like the present, only longer.
(Dan Quisenberry)

Szikrázó elmék 108.   „Csak azért kezdenék el kocogni, hogy újból liheghessek.” (Erma Bombeck)


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